What to expect on Sunday mornings

Church is a little different now due to covid-19… but honestly, it’s not all that bad! Rather than searching for a new normal, we’re looking forward to a BETTER normal! As a church, we are diving into whatever it may take to reach the lost and see broken lives mended by Christ. With that in mind, the model below may be different from week-to-week.

Where do I go when I get there?

As you're walking to the building, our welcoming team will meet you and show you where to find the worship center, restrooms, children's ministry, and YTH ministry. If you need anything throughout the day—, ear plugs, a Bible, or a pen—feel free to stop by the CONNECT WALL at the center of the lobby (you can’t miss it!). We’re a friendly bunch, and we’d love to serve you in anyway we can.

How long is the service?

Our worship experience last about 1 hour and 15 minutes. During the service, you will experience three to four worship songs, a message, prayer, and communion. Each week, our order of service changes, but what you experience remains the same — all with the purpose of drawing you close to God.

Visiting for the first time?

Every week we get to meet new people, just like you! 

Don’t be afraid you introduce yourself, we can’t wait to meet you! We’d love to tell you a little about: who we are, what we believe and why we do what we do.

Any of our pastors, elders, pastor’s wives, and/or team members would love to answer any questions you may have about the church and even pray for you!

Difference Between 9AM and 11AM?

The 9AM service is usually our more full service, the room is packed out out and high energy. 11AM is more socially laid back.

Stylistically, the 9AM service and the 11AM service are identical.


During the 9AM service, we provide Kid’s Church and a few Connect Groups that you can get engaged with. You can attend a connect group while your kids are in Kid’s Church, then attend the 11am service as a family… or you can attend the 9am service while your kids are in Kid’s Church.

11am is known as a “family integrated” service. We do not provide kid’s church during this service at this time. BUT we believe in being a multi-generational church. Kids of ALL ages our welcomed and encouraged during the services. We provide Kid’s Activity Boxes outside the worship center doors that have new fillers each week. You do NOT need to worried about kids being to rowdy… let kids be kids (as long as they aren’t screaming haha). We want to train our young ones to enjoy being in church.

What should I wear?

Don't feel like you have to dress up. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

What do you do for kids?

Kids—We provide a program for kids during the 9:00am worship services. In Ringgold Kidz, children 5th grade and younger experience Jesus on their level. Ringgold Kidz is a safe, age-appropriate environment where kids have their own service with singing, a Bible lesson, and small group time. We are passionate about children having fun while they learn about Jesus. Click the button below to learn more!

Teens—We believe students are not the leaders of tomorrow, but the leaders of today. You will quickly notice that we do not have YTH on Sunday Mornings. We are combating a statistic where 70% of students drop out of church when they graduate high school. Part of this statistic is due to students never getting acclimated into “adult” services. Our goals is to raise up a generation of students that are engaged in church on Sunday mornings in every way — serving, worship, message participation, and building multi-generational friendships. Parents, this modelis a great way to ensure you and your children are growing together in church. We have YTH Night of Wednesday Nights to help students engaged on a deeper level and understand Sunday’s Message on their level.

Can I attend if I'm _____________?

Fill in the blank with whatever fear you have about not being accepted: divorced, single parent, broke, recovering addict, gay, transgender, atheist, skeptic, etc. We will teach the Truth and nothing but the Truth, BUT Everyone is welcome at Ringgold. This is a place where God heals the broken. So come as you are, and we’ll see you on Sunday!